StageLight Logo

Welcome to this very temporary placeholder website for StageLight!

Our last website was hijacked, and while the file data was recoverable we lost the control panel and the ability to edit anything.  It was an old product and past its time, so this hijacking is forcing our hand earlier than we had planned.  We are working as quickly as we can to get everything restored.  It's just really daunting and you get to see it roll out in all its piecemeal glory......

To reach us:

Email: (all offices)

Phone: 713-942-0555 Houston
504-818-1880 New Orleans
615-244-5300 Nashville

Office hours 9am to 5:30p (Houston)
By appointment in New Orleans and Nashville

While we are working on the new commercial front end, do you have any suggestions for products or services that you would like to see or have trouble finding?  Now is the time to let us know!  Send us an email at and we'll happily consider your suggestions.


Sincerely yours,

Jerome Dunn